Oxygen is a dry gas and needs to be "humidified", this is one of the two reasons why it is passed through water.  The other reason is to have it pick up the pleasant scent of the essential oils.

The Oxygen Bar Aroma Menu carries 6 scents that provide added benefits to your experience;

 Lemongrass~ Has an uplifting scent and is an antispasmodic which is used for asthma, bronchitis and helps with throat infections  It has been known to improve circulation, lower blood pressure as well as relieve arthritis symptoms

Vanilla ~ Has a sweet and sensual scent.  It can increase appetites and slows down your heart.  Great for calming nervous individuals.  Balances 1st chakra.  Helps with impotence, frigidity and sterility 

Orange ~ Has a warm, uplifting, light-hearted scent.  It balances and revitalizes, helps fight depression, banishes apathy and awakens creativity and self-awareness

Lavender ~ Has a relaxing and calming effect that can help relieve depression.  It's great for muscular aches and pains, helps relieve IBS, stomach cramping and menstrual pain

Peppermint ~ Improves appetite, helps alleviate nausea and motion sickness, indigestion and stomach ache.  It relaxes and helps  to relieve menstrual cramping

Eucalyptus ~ Refreshing and invigorating.  It helps to clear blocked sinuses and soothes minor headaches, sore throats, coughs, and helps to maintain a good attitude